Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Baby Names

I have a confession to make. I was watching a show this weekend on BBC America called "Hex" and I found a name that I think is AWESOME. It's even an "A" name to go along with the people in our family - Anna, Andrea, Alex, Alli and yours truly....

Azazeal. Or Azazel.

The only part I'm kinda ashamed to admit is that apparently, in the Bible, Azazel is listed as a demon and sometimes referred to in different religions as though he was Satan.

Dammit. I'd hate to saddle a kid with a demonic name. But it's so COOL. And we could even call him Aza (pronounced Asah) for short. That is, if we were having a boy.

I know, I know... I'm not even prego yet to my knowledge, so there's still time. Maybe I'll have some good news in a few weeks. *sly grin*


beckah said...

chica, i /heart that nanme!

& it does SUCK that the bible has ruined so many pretty names.

i love the name jezabel. but seriously, can't name a kid that.

Suburban Witch said...

Jezabel is a beauuuutiful name. Stupid Bible. lol

beckah said...

how much do ya think people would hate me & talk trash if i named a little girl jessa belle? :)

Suburban Witch said...

Jessa Belle...hmm.. I'm sure it's been done before! *G*


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