Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Is it really so hard?

Once upon a time, there was a woman who came home from work. Her mate and their daughter were happy to see her. It gave the woman a squishy warm feeling in her heart.

Then, as she hugged her daughter close, smelling her sweet shampoo scented hair, she remembered that the dishwasher needed to be emptied...unless her mate had performed this onerous task.

The woman headed into the kitchen and reviewed the sight before her: With a double sink, there were dirty cereal bowls on one side, and an empty sink on the other side - which used to have a drainer with a few clean dishes in it - said drainer was sitting on the counter, still with clean dishes in it.

The woman asked her mate why the drainer was out of the sink. Her mate replied he couldn't fill up the Britta water purifier without taking up a whole sink.

The woman looked at her mate. And she sighed. She began to unload the dishwasher of the clean dishes, then put the dirty cereal bowls into the empty dishwasher, and thus, moved the drainer back into it's rightful sink. Leaving one whole sink empty.

The woman looked at her mate again as he had begun to ready some of dinner, and she made a mock screech, and put her hand to her forehead, then her hands on either side of her face in an over-dramatic fashion and said, "Oh my GOD, that was just SO HARD! What a HORROR!"

Her mate slowly backed away, a frightened look in his eyes, and said, "Umm...I'm going to my office."

Really, is it so terribly hard?

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