Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Circle of Life

So on Monday afternoon I got an email from Kathleen.

"OHMYGOD! I woke up this morning and I'm OVULATING! OHMYGOD I'm SHAKING!!"

I emailed her back with "I TOLD YOU SO! GET ON IT!!!"

She said that her and Charlie had been talking the night before, and they had kinda talked about how maybe her dad could give them a nudge in the right direction.... and then all the sudden, the next morning, to have her ovulating according to the Clear Blue Easy monitor.... Her mom, Linda definitely said it was a blessing, which it is.

So now, in the circle of life, where a death has occurred, so must a birth.

Believe me, we ALL needed to hear this good news, despite her saying earlier this month that she wouldn't tell anyone if she even ovulated. *l* We all just needed to know that good things can still happen.

So cross your fingers and toes. I'll start the baby blanket to get a head start. ;)

1 comment:

beckah said...

my prayers & bestest of wishes are with kathleen & charlie.

i'm eagerly awaiting the news that you'll soon-ish be auntie april.


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