About 3 weeks ago, I killed the 6 year old PDA that Dave had given me for my eBooks. Have I mentioned lately how much I love eBooks? You pay $5.99 more or less, and you can download the newest bestseller using Mobipocket (LOVE!) and read it the same day without leaving the comfort of your home, or ordering the physical book online and then paying for shipping&handling. That's just annoying. When I order a book, I want to read it NOW.
I was packing up the PDA to take it home and it seriously just slipped from my hands and it's protective case and slammed to the floor, hitting the metal foot under my work desk. Ow. I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. Sure enough, the screen was sliced diagonally in half. I brought it home, depressed, distressed, and wholly miserable and sorry. Kindly enough, Dave was glad I was okay - apparently the liquid inside the LCD screen is poisonous and could have leaked out. Ew.
So since then, I've been PDA-less.
Yesterday he brought up the idea of possibly getting me a lesser engagement sparkly ring and also giving me a tricked out PDA. I seriously considered it. If they can engrave the words "Will you marry me?" on it, why the heck not? I took the old one everywhere with me... so I'm certain the new one would follow me, too. What a way to announce you're engaged, eh.
Tonight it was the "Honey, we could always get you a brand new lappy...." line. Now that has me in it's grips, too. I would SO LOVE a new laptop - something less heavy, and with more memory that doesn't freak out on me every time I try to play something from YouTube on here. Again, I told him I would still require a small sparkly ring with the tricked out laptop. And again, the laptop would have to have the words "Will you marry me?" engraved on it somewhere noticeable. Talk about a technology heirloom.
The fact that I would consider any of the items and down grade my ring should speak volumes.
We are geeks.