Wednesday, January 30, 2008


We have special kisses in our family when it comes to goodnight kisses...and we have just added a new one.

First, we have the "puppy kiss", where you basically fake your family member out like you are going to give them a kiss on the cheek, and instead you stick out your tongue and lick them like a puppy would. This kiss was courtesy of Grandpa Gary and Aunty Kathleen.

Next, we have "vacuum kisses". These were invented by Dave; where basically you suck in air close to the person's face, thus creating a bit of a vacuum pull. It tickles. *G*

Then, there's there are "zombie kisses". This is ALL Dave's invention again. He loves horror and zombie movies so he created a fun kiss for Alli where he pretends to gnaw on the top of her head while mumbling "Mmmm gooooooooood brains! Me like brains!" Of course, she giggles and laughs heartily.

Well, tonight, mommy invented a new kiss. The "chicken kiss" where you pretty much peck kisses on the person's cheek/face like a chicken would peck at corn. Yay, me! I finally came up with one .... and luckily she laughed in enjoyment. Tee hee hee!

May you hold your little ones close and invent new kisses and ways to make them giggle into sweet dreams! :)


Anonymous said...

We have one of those kisses in our family- It's when you pucker your lips and hold them stiff in a "o" we call those butt-hole kisses. ;D Sorry. That was TMI huh?

Suburban Witch said...

LOL! Nice, Helen....*slaps forehead*

beckah said... sweet. i miss you guys!


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