Sunday, July 22, 2007

Getting My Book

I didn't think I was even going to get my DH copy on time - due to my issue with putting the wrong address down, my amazon order went to Kathleen & Charlie's, and yes, I tried to change it with amazon and they suck because they told me no (about a week to go before it shipped!).

So... I resigned myself to the fact that Kathleen would get the first book I ordered. I started checking around the internet. Walmart had a 97 cent shipping special where the website said the book would arrive on or around the 21st. That tempted me. I checked out Barnes and Noble. They could do overnight shipping guaranteed for $15 galleons. Guaranteed. Hmmm.

I put in my order with B&N and waited. I got an email from them the next day saying that oh by the way, they didn't have enough copies due to high demand and they would try to get me a book of DH in the next 30 days. It wouldn't let me cancel my order online their website so I called them, furious! I got Cathy from Customer Service on the line and explained my issue. She and a supervisor checked my order and it'd already been PACKED! *whew! WTF??* They told me I should be getting my confirmation shipping email the following day.

Lo and behold... I got the email. And hit refresh every half hour on the tracking information. Dave giggled at me and sent me this cartoon:

Saturday morning dawned clear and bright. About 10 minutes after waking up, I was rushing downstairs to Dave's laughter. I opened the door to a smirking FedEx guy holding my BOOK!
"Harry Potter, eh?" He grinned at the Do Not Open until July 21st" label as I mumbled something unintelligible and nearly snatched the package from his hands, closing the door practically in his face.

I calmed my racing heart and turned off my mind. Breakfast. Must eat.

I made sure to spend some measure of time with Alli and Dave... meals count, don't they?

And then...around 2:30, Alli gave me permission to start cracking open the book.

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