Monday, June 25, 2007

I Sneezed

Sunday was hulaciously BUSY for me. I decided to tackle Alli's room to rearrange her furniture and give her more space to play on the floor if she wanted to. Her closet was a nightmare with Blue's Clues and Barbies all over the place, scattered with the occasional horse or horse accessory here and there.

I had just moved her bed from one wall to another, after vacuuming and cleaning our guinea pig, Chloe's, cage when I sneezed. I'd been waiting to head to the potty, but figured I could do it in a bit - after I moved her toys out of the closet.

I sneezed and I peed myself.

Now, take a minute, and hold your absolute horror. The last time I peed myself I was like 5 months pregnant and I was laughing so hard I peed down my leg.

Luckily, it wasn't a free flowing fountain this time, but it was enough for me to need new underwear AND new shorts. Yeah. Sad, eh?

I have to admit, when I told Dave the look on his face was priceless and we laughed together. I guess my muscles are weaker than I thought. Makes me think something's wrong with my body. Something *more* could be wrong, I mean. tee hee hee

This made me question myself the rest of the day. Heading to go to the bathroom...again.

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