We had a long, fun, interesting weekend where I played tech support to my second parents, Gary & Linda who are Kathleen's dad and mom that have known me since middle school when we moved to Sandstone. I also played computer support for my parents (no, really, don't ask; it involves helping them complete their website and them having malware on their PC). And then we have Kathleen who bought a 5.1 speaker set up and we realized no, she doesn't have a 5.1 soundcard. Oy. My aching head. *L*
Some highlights from the past few days:
I sat down and had a frank talk with Linda about 'the planning' - and if I haven't mentioned it, Dave and I have started looking into what options we have for our Wiccan/Pagan ceremony and any kind of reception. Mind you, there's no ring yet and no, I'm not bitter. It'll happen when least expected. Or he'll forget and remember at the last minute before we actually get married to actually ASK ME and present the shiny bauble.
Anyways, I explained to Linda about how Dave and I are not Christians... which, she kind of blanked for a second and asked what we believed in. I gave her the version of "We're pagan" to forestall any further questions. Sometimes, you just don't want to use the "W" word because, inevitably, it leads to those lovely cliched questions like "Do you worship the Devil?" And I get tired of sighing deeply and gathering my patience to say, "NO! The Devil is a Christian invention!!! HONEST!!"
I can almost guarantee that 95% of the people who will attend the 'reception' will have no clue what we believe in, only thinking that Dave and I are somewhat eccentric. Funny stuff, that.
yea for the 5%!
&...any cute boys in that 5%?
My brother... but unfortunately, he'll only be 19 then. Rob the cradle much? *L*
yeah, 19 is a bit young. i like someone i can at least take to the bar legally.
...then again...my grandparents had twenty years between them.
*giggles* just kidding chica
Oh puhlease! He's so immature in the ways of life and love... you never know. Your charm could be his undoing. ;) hehehe
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