Sunday, April 22, 2007

Dave is a garbage picker

There was a potluck last Wednesday.

It was decided that I would make granola bars and some No Pudge Fudge Brownies.

Granola bars were made and cooked without issue.

No Pudge Fudge Brownies were in the oven whilst I was working on my parent's website, sitting in Dave's office with him and he was working while listening to music.

I had set the timer.

But I never heard it.

I cremated the No Pudge Fudge Brownies at approximately 8:40 pm on Tuesday night. I was quite PO'ed and felt Dave should have lowered his music. As I quick took them out of the oven, with the scent of misery and burnt fudge dreams in the air, I decided to quickly scrape the pan of what I could and soak it before they hardened up. This I did, and put the charred remains into a piece of random foil and threw it away in the garbage.

Keep in mind, burnt beyond recognition; will taste awful and ashy. In short, nothing good will come of it.

Dave rummages through the kitchen after I've yelled at him for having his music too loud and it burning the brownies. He wonders where I've put them. I tell him they are ruined and are in the garbage.

What does he do?

He goes into the garbage to CHECK.

Secondly, he takes the foil pouch containing the charred remnants OUT of the GARBAGE and starts to check it out, proceeding to EAT part of IT!!!

Men. Boys. Fools. Let's just feed them from the garbage cans from now on I guess. It might save on money.



beckah said...

eeewww! for now i revoke the "i /heart dave" comment & replace it with a "i /like dave" which isn't nearly as potent.

Unknown said...

In my own defense, she overreacted a wee bit to the circumstances. She got really pissed at me for causing her to overcook yet another batch of fudgey treats.

The brownies were not burned beyond all recognition, they were just a little extra crispy & darker than April thought appropriate to serve to friends at work.

The wad of chocolate goodness was wrapped well in foil and I had just emptied the trash can recently so there wasn't any nasty garbage to contaminate the food.

I really hate wasting perfectly good eats, especially when it comes from Trader Joe's.

Munching on the brownies hasn't made me sick yet, so I guess I'm gonna live to rescue more food some another day.

Suburban Witch said...

Pfft.. They were CHARRED remnants! I swear by Alton Brown, CHARRED. *L* The acrid burnt scent hung in the air. Ughh.. *Cacckk Cacckk*


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